AQD joins BSP’s financial literacy campaign for OFWs

What other ventures are available for investments from OFWs?

Dr. Clarissa Marte, head of AQD's Technology Verification and Demonstration Division, and other concerned agencies presented what they have to offer under the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas' Financial Literacy Campaign (FLC) for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their beneficiaries last January 22-23 in the provinces of Iloilo and Aklan.

The activity aims to promote savings and investments among OFWs and their beneficiaries by informing them of alternative opportunities of remittances, such as savings, investments in financial instruments, and other small and micro-business ventures.

Dr. Marte presented aquaculture-based business opportunities, wherein she highlighted AQD's ABOT AquaNegosyo packages.

The conduct of FLCs in places where most marginalized OFWs come from was strongly encouraged by Pres. Gloria Arroyo.

Among the provinces identified were those in the Visayas region, particularly Iloilo, Capiz and Aklan.

1 comment:

Al Jones said...

How to Get Good Credit Gab is holding an online video contest to raise awareness for financial literacy. Create a 30 or 60 second video that answers the question “How do I get good credit?” and highlights the benefits of obtaining good credit. Videos must not contain adult content such as nudity, profanity, drugs and alcohol. Videos must also be posted on You Tube, so that we may obtain embedding code to showcase your video. Videos will be viewer rated using a scale of 1-low to 5-high. A viewing schedule will be posted on the blog.

Contest begins and entries are accepted beginning April 1st thru April 30th 2008.

Each week new entries will be displayed on the blog at On May 1, 2008, the scores received will be counted and totaled. The video with the highest total rating number will win $200 cash.

Contact Alton J. Jones, How To Get Good Credit Expert, at with questions and notification that your video is available on You Tube.

Good luck.