New publications from SEAFDEC/AQD

Aquaculture stakeholders may now download AQD’s newest publications from its website released in the first quarter of 2009 are:

  • 2008 Highlights, a 40-page report of AQD’s activities and progress in 2008;
  • Milkfish culture in sea cages, a 2-page fyer on site selection, cage culture & design, investment required, AQD work on developing an early warning system for pollution, and mariculture zones established by the Philippine government;
  • Research collaboration @ SEAFDEC/AQD, a 2-page flyer on AQD's collaboration with academic and other research institutions, non-government organizations, private sector and government agencies in SEAFDEC member countries and other parts of the world. Research priorities and a flow chart for proposals are also discussed in this flyer;
  • Grouper, a poster illustrating full-cycle grouper culture, from hatchery to grow-out

Also released are two aquaculture extension manuals (AEMs) for sale. Email for copies:

  • AEM 42, Seed production and grow-out of mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in Vietnam by NC Thach, a 29-page manual with information on the biology and techniques in the larval rearing, nursery and grow-out of the mud crab Scylla paramamosain
  • AEM 43 Philippine freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium spp.) by MRR Eguia et al., a 50-page
    manual on the biology, morphology, natural distribution, habitat, and economic importance of selected freshwater prawns found in the Philippines

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